Pomona College Model UN Travel Team

Founded in 1987, the Pomona College Model United Nations team has evolved extensively over the course of its 35 year history. In 2013, after a 3 year hiatus, a small team emerged with new leadership and incredible drive, sparking an interest in global affairs and constructive debate across campus. Today, the team is over 30 members strong, with each delegate possessing a special set of skills to be used in conferences all over the country. In addition to including many Pomona College students, the team also retains membership of students from Pitzer College, Scripps College, and Harvey Mudd College; PCMUN is composed of a truly diverse and talented group of students!

Each school year, PCMUN attends 6-8 conferences in California and around the country and holds weekly practices in preparation for these tournaments. All travel expenses are covered by the PCMUN Executive Board, making this opportunity accessible to students regardless of financial background. 

How to Apply to Pomona College Model United Nations 

The PCMUN team of approximately 30 people hosts tryouts every fall and spring semester. Tryouts are open to all 4C students, regardless of prior MUN experience. The PCMUN team leaders look for students with confidence, charisma, excellent oral communication skills and the ability to form strong arguments. Outside of conferences and travel, the PCMUN team prides itself on being a strong, fun-filled community. In addition to weekly training, PCMUN hosts social events on and off campus, and runs a mentor/mentee program for new recruits.  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to PCMUN student leadership with any questions at president@pcmun.com .  

Delegation Awards:

PCMUN is ranked among the top 30 Model UN teams in the country. PCMUN team members have received dozens of individual accolades in addition to the following team delegation awards:

  • University of California, Berkeley (UCBMUN) 2023 - Outstanding Large Delegation Award

  • Washington University, St. Louis (WUMUNC) 2019 - Best Small Delegation Award

  • Washington University, St. Louis (WUMUNC) 2016 - Outstanding Small Delegation Award

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (SBIMUN) 2015 - Distinguished Delegation Award