Esteemed Delegates and Advisors,

We are honored to welcome you to SageMUN 2024, a high school conference hosted by the Pomona College Model United Nations (PCMUN) team, on our beautiful campus in Claremont, CA, on December 7. SageMUN prides itself in being a friendly, engaging, and welcoming conference that is accessible to students from a myriad of backgrounds and all levels of MUN experience.

SageMUN aims to take advantage of its smaller conference size to tackle unique scenarios that are not often considered or offered in larger conferences: a crisis committee where staffers can pay full attention to all the characters and their arcs, a specialized committee that encourages all delegates to lead and thoroughly engage with their committee members, General Assemblies (GAs) where more delegates can be recognized to speak.

SageMUN is a conference where delegates will be able to hone their diplomatic and leadership skills as they debate some of the world's most pressing issues, learn to quickly improvise and respond to crisis updates, and form valuable friendships in the MUN community. Our priority is to create the best possible environment for fruitful and well-rounded discussions about our future. The SageMUN Secretariat and PCMUN team have worked tirelessly to prepare the best possible conference that also upholds values that we want to see more in MUN.

We are beyond excited for you to join us in making SageMUN 2024 a memorable experience.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

See you in December!

Best wishes,

The SageMUN 2024 Secretariat


about sagemun & the PCMUn team

The Pomona College Model United Nations (PCMUN) team is proud to be hosting SageMUN VII in the spring semester of 2024. Founded in 1987, the PCMUN team has evolved extensively over the course of almost four decades. In 2013, after a 3 year hiatus, a small team emerged with a new leadership and incredible drive, sparking an interest in global affairs and constructive debate across campus. Today, the team is over 30 members strong, with team members from four colleges of the liberal arts Claremont Colleges consortium: Pomona College, Scripps College, Pitzer College, and Harvey Mudd College. The PCMUN team is a diverse, close-knit, and welcoming family. Every member of PCMUN is a part of organizing our exciting and high-quality conference.

For delegates or schools planning on attending SageMUN, please visit our registration page.